How to Wrap Pilings
To properly install piling wrap certain steps must be followed:
The piling must be cleaned and free of growth.
The piling must be inspected to ensure the deterioration rate of the piling doesn’t call for a more aggressive approach than piling wrap, like Snap Jackets.
A measurement should be taken of the piling so that when installing the wrap around the piling it will have a uniform snug fit and overlapping by a few inches.
The piling wrap should extend above the high tide line and below the mud line.
Secure the piling wrap so that the seam faces desired direction.
Inspect work for proper installation and fit.
Use stainless steel nails to fasten the wrap to the piling.
Pilings should be wrapped AFTER they are driven in order to avoid damaging the wrap.
We recommend inspecting and cleaning the piling wrap every 6 months or after major storms.
Read more about our Piling Services here.
The piling must be cleaned before inspecting and wrapping.
After cleaning, inspect the piling looking for signs of marine boring infestations.
If the pilings pass our dock inspection, we wrap each piling with our piling wrap.