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Fall Dock Inspections

Summer is over now, and the holidays are quickly approaching. As the wind blows stronger and colder and the water temperature drops, maintenance for our docks and boats doesn’t stop, it merely slows down. Now is a good time to take a minute and look over your dock for possible repairs or preventative measures.

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Marine Borers Stacy Stepanovich Marine Borers Stacy Stepanovich

Isopods are Everywhere

Even docks built with treated lumber are vulnerable to attack from marine wood borers. One species of isopod is tolerant of all treated lumber, even creosote. Sphaeroma Terebans closely resembles its terrestrial counterpart, the “roly poly” and even rolls into a ball when removed from its burrow.

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Marine Borers Stacy Stepanovich Marine Borers Stacy Stepanovich

Gribbles Nibble

Gribbles do more than nibble. They destroy wooden docks. Limnoiriids (gribbles) are one of two species of wood boring isopods found in Florida waters.  Every time you see a piling that is shaped like an hourglass, isopods are likely responsible.

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Stacy Stepanovich Stacy Stepanovich

Marine Debris Removal

It’s summer and no one wants to miss an opportunity to enjoy the water, but how much do you know about the underwater hazards around your dock?

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Stacy Stepanovich Stacy Stepanovich

What Causes“Fuzzy Wood”

What causes timber piles to appear fuzzy? The process of destroying the “glue” that binds wood cells together is known as delignification. Overtime, the timber pile is gradually weakened and can eventually collapse.

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Marine Borers Stacy Stepanovich Marine Borers Stacy Stepanovich

No Fun with Pholads

Pholads , also known as Piddock Clams , can penetrate the toughest of wood, stone and shell. Their shells have a set of ridges that are used to cut into a surface, creating a tunnel where the it will live.

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(386)-516-DIVE (3483)